I have an aversion to buckets.

W. J. T. Mitchell once referenced a “gap” between image and text. Rather than a gap, I see a fluid iridescence where image and text reflect and refract each other. When did you last respond to a text message with an emoji? What is the difference from messages ending in “Thanks.” versus “Thx”?

When is “O” a letter and when is it a condensed map of the universe?

Some of these are looking for adoption. Please contact me for details.


2 Sentence Memoir (2022)

Chartreuse (2021)

Wallpaper - Blue (2022) 48” x 72”

Untitled (2021)

Essay on Genre (2016)

layered handwriting creating a fractal-like design

Wall Paper

Space Time Equation Map

Essay on 2020 #3 (2020)

Double Helix (2023)


Gallery of Doodle Stories and visual poetry